Places you love but don't visit often can have a place inside your heart.

We all have places that we enjoy visiting when we can like cabins up north, favorite hiking trails, a mall or other shopping center, an ocean or amusement park. The best part of visiting your favorite place is being there with family and friends who you make great memories with that are nice looking back on.
One of my favorite places to visit is Cedar Point. I feel fortunate to have visited the park quite a few times with family and friends over the years and made lots of memories with them there. The park itself is very clean and most people working there seem happy to be there which makes for a pleasant experience. I really like that they have a building dedicated to accessibility for persons with disabilities to safely access and enjoy the rides. I'm a walking person so it's nice that the park is pretty huge so there's constant walking. And I get to listen to the sounds of people of all ages screaming on all the rides and excitedly talking about different coasters in passing. I enjoy smelling all the different foods at all the restaurants and concessions as we walk. The sounds of the smooth roar of coasters all around us makes me feel a little nervous and super excited to get on a coaster. I remember the feeling of being on a roller coaster for the first time only able to rely on a family member or friend's description of what the ride is like and all of its movements. I try and picture their description in my head and compare it to the experience I end up having once on the ride. I remember feeling nervous in anticipation of what's to come just minutes before boarding the ride and then laughing hysterically afterwords wishing we could get right back on the same ride again. The steep drops, unexpected twists and turns and thrilling loops make each coaster exciting even if you have ridden them in times past.
my favorite two roller coasters that will always be my favorites are millennium Force and The Rafter. The constant intense speed of Millennium Force and the fast steep hills make for a couple of minutes of peer bliss. The Rafter is smooth and all of the loops are fun as long as your last meal had enough time to digest. Some of my favorite memories at Cedar Point were with my long time best friend. She was the best at guiding me through the park and talking me through my nervousness of getting on a new ride for the first time and then telling me where everything was on the ride platforms. If she ever meets and spends time with any other blind or visually impaired people they will be in very good company with her. She was so much fun to be on rides with. I remember when we were at a restaurant inside the park and they ended up bringing us free dessert and Snoopy cups because we had to wait quite a long time to get our food once. I remember another time when a kid who was passing us stepped on my folding cane and broke it. I ended up ordering another one but we had to get some tape and tape my broken cane back together and I walked around my college campus for a couple of days with a taped up broken cane because at the time I did not have a spare. I have had a spare ever since then. The last trip to Cedar Point I went with some friends and family. One of the friends was someone I really liked and they liked me to and now over two years later we are a couple. I asked him to Ride The Gate Kepper with me when we were at Cedar Point.
I have Cedar Point in my memories and heart because it is one of the most amazing places. I have made so many good memories over the years there. Hopefully next year things will be normal again and a group of us can go and have a fun day at Cedar Point. Even when I'm way older and not wanting to venture there anymore it'll always have a special place in my heart filled with good memories.


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