Lost and Found Through My Eyes

There is nothing more frustrating than not being able to locate something you have misplaced, sighted or not sighted. Whether you are in a hurry or you didn't realize something was lost until you need it the frustrations are the same. I know for myself I try my best to keep things in a specific place so that I remember where they are and for the most part the process works great. Once in awhile though I will just set something down somewhere thinking I will come back momentarily to put the thing back where I normally keep it. I do have a very active energetic kitten though who I think enjoys knocking items off of tables or desks. Don't usually give up easily, though the longer I search for something unable to find it the more frustrated I become. I love when my determination pays off though and I find what I was looking for. I feel around where I think the misplaced item might be. So airPods 2 come in a tiny case and would be pretty easy to misplace if they are not placed somewhere where they can be found the next time I would like to use them. Today however once I took them from my ears and put them back in their case I just set them on my desk and walked away. Well a kitten with a case of the zoomies must have speedily zoomed across my desk knocking the airPods to the floor in a tiny space between my desk and the wall. I kept looking in my desk drawer over and over among everything else in it to see if by chance I did put them in there and felt under the desk and all around the area. I'm like well I guess I'll have to ask my boyfriend to help me look for them when he gets back. I was about to give up and then I reached my hand between the desk and the wall and Bingo! I found them. It takes discipline to put things right back where they normally go but it sure helps a great deal.


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