Audio Description paints perfect pictures in the minds of visually impaired and blind people. It is a treasured tool.

Audio description has been around for awhile now but is much more available in recent years than it used to be. Audio description or AD for short narrates what is happening in movies and TV shows to persons who are unable to see the screen. There are writers that richly describe scenes of shows and movies and other people who read the descriptions which then are added and matched with each scene. I remember the first time I got to watch and experience a movie with AD included, it was a VCR tape at a training center for the blind. It was a movie that I had seen many times before and I remember the AD filling in gaps for me that I was missing of things that happened that were not clearly evident by the movie's dialog. I thought it was the coolest. I remember DVD's started producing copies with AD options but you had to go into a menu to select the option so unless you had sighted assistance or a talking TV it probably couldn't be accessed if you couldn't see. Now, almost every streaming service out there offers a lot of their content with the option for AD. I am able to easily access it and watch a lot of really good shows and movies with AD due to screen reading software so that blind and visually impaired people can use phones, computers and tablets. Imagine temporarily putting a cloth blindfold on and then turning on a scary movie that you heard is supposed to be really really good, having no audio description. You will definitely be able to follow along with the dialog and the sounds but there will be times when you are unable to figure out what is happening during a scene. You might hear intense scary music which definitely provides the thrill affect but without looking which you would be tempted to do your pretty much clueless. When you throw AD in there the light is turned on and shining directly on the scene so it is visible to the blind through their hearing. It makes such a difference, you even have favorite audio describers since many of them describe multiple movies and shows. I have favorite AD describers, sometimes it's just because of their voice and other times it's due to some of the shows or movies I've watched that they described. I get kinda sad when I find out that certain shows or movies don't have AD but I'm super happy that there's so much out there that has audio description. Keep it coming guys it's a beautiful thing.


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